Saturday, December 7, 2013

Oryx and Crake

This was a lot different than what I originally thought it would be like. Usually when I think about a post apocalyptic setting I'm thinking about destroyed cities, people living in bunkers, and a hero coming to reestablish their civilization. In oryx and crake however the hero is a man named snowman by the local people. Children of this new world are oblivious to the old world and it's technologies and Snowman knows everything about the old world which fascinates them. The book begins with a story about Snowman's past and the world he came from, our world but a bit farther in the future. It goes though his last and then tells about how it was all lost. The book is about him and how he has lost everything. It made me incredibly sad and wonder what it would be like if I were in his position. What would I do? Where would I go? How would I keep going? It's definitely an interesting read and I'd suggest it to anyone. 

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